Welcome to Mission Briefing, my new blog about the Star Wars: Unlimited Trading Card Game (SWU, to it's friends). When games get under my skin I tend to start a blog to share idea and strategies and tips, and what I think about the game. That I'm sitting here typing this now tells me that SWU has managed to do exactly that and I need an outlet for all the stuff my brain is churning through about the game.
In this first blog I wanted to take the chance to introduce myself and explain what I think this blog is going to be for... before moving on and talking about actually useful and interesting stuff!
Kind of a Strange Old Hermit
I've been gaming pretty much since I could hold a tape measure straight in the mid-80s, but the interesting part of my gaming background probably begins in 1994 when a Magic: The Gathering Revised Edition gift box changed my life forever. That sounds extremely dramatic but is essentially accurate: that gift box launched a hobby that gave me many lifelong friends, thousands of hours of entertainment and ultimately took me around the world.
My active Magic career primarily spans 1995-2001 but in that time I had a decent share of success and made it to multiple Pro Tours (ok... multiple means 'two') but I was always better at understanding the game in theory than I was at putting it into practice so I had a more fulfilling time as a writer. I've written for Starcitygames.com before going on to work directly for Wizards of the Coast as a coverage writer at Grand Prix and Pro Tour events. From there I got introduced to the World of Warcraft TCG and worked for Upper Deck and Cryptozoic on that, and then under my own steam I wrote popular blogs for Netrunner, Marvel Champions and the X-Wing Miniatures Game.
Star Wars: Unlimited is the first trading card game I've been involved in since WoWTCG folded over a decade ago. It may be an all-new game but the mechanics are so similar to those games I know so well that in many ways SWU has felt like coming back home after a long trip away and I'm having a lot of fun.
Without sounding like I've gone all misty-eyed about the long-ago times: I think there was something genuinely special about having been around on websites like The Dojo back in the mid-1990s. That was a time when some of the smartest people in the world were turning their minds to a silly card game about Goblin Balloon Brigades, Llanowar Elves and Demonic Tutors and solving how the whole thing actually worked. Fundamental concepts of TCG strategy, like 'Card Advantage' or 'Mana Curves' that we take for granted today all started out on The Dojo and its connected IRC chatrooms.
It means that when I see players who are new to SWU, or even new to TCGs at all, asking questions like "what do people mean when they talk about tempo?", "how do I sideboard?" or "does card advantage matter in SWU?!?" then I feel like I know a lot about these subjects and I want to help newer players to understand them and improve their game.
So in this blog I'm going to try and share some of my old Jedi knowledge about subjects like that, and in doing so hopefully we can all learn - myself included - about how those topics apply to Star Wars Unlimited. As well as talking about TCG theory I expect at various points I'll subject you to the decks I'm playing, the tournaments I've been to, and because I've learned from experience how much effort can go into writing and maintaining a blog I might even be lazy sometimes and just point you to things other people have said and done that I think are worth shining a spotlight on!
And I want to start us off by looking at an old old piece of Magic: The Gathering knowledge that has suddenly become more relevant to Star Wars Unlimited...
Vigilance & 'The Millstone Fallacy'
A card that is finding itself right in the spotlight at present is Vigilance. Its the double-Vigilance aspect legendary card that lets you choose two effects you want to do. There's not many actually pairing a blue leader with a blue base to play Vigilance for the 4 resources it says it costs, but we're finding a lot of players who are happy to pay 6 for Vigilance and get the effects even if they paid 50% more for them.
Vigilance does a lot of things but the one that I want to focus on is that it 'mills' 6 cards off the top of your opponents deck. Discarding cards from the top of your opponent's deck is commonly known as 'milling' and that's entirely because of one card that was first printed 30 years ago in Magic's second ever expansion, Antiquities: the Millstone.
Playing Vigilance to mill cards from the opponent's deck when you have no information about where his best cards are in that deck (and you're not going to run him out of cards before the game ends) has on average ZERO impact on the game.
If you have information about the distribution of cards in your opponent's deck then Vigilance may not be random, it can be targeted to an extent. Currently there's not many examples of how this would happen but I can think of a good one that happens quite often in matchups with Vigilance. If your opponent has played Inferno Four and decided to keep the two cards on top of their deck you can be pretty confident they want those cards and Vigilance is likely to be good. You're still going to replace those 2 cards with 2 random cards but at least you know you're replacing something that the opponent thinks is important with something that is random.
And that's about it for the Millstone Fallacy except for one Advanced Level piece of information and that information is... Information.
When you discard the top six cards of your deck both you and your opponent gain information about what was discarded from their deck and therefore what is left in the rest of their deck. If you see the last two copies of a card hit their discard pile then you know there's none left in their deck. You can adjust how you approach the game based on that information, maybe there was something you were afraid of that you know can't happen now.
The downside to this is that your opponent is gaining the same information and can respond to it just as much as you can, and actually will always tend to be able to respond slightly better because he knows the contents of the remaining part of his deck and hand better than you do. If you see two Darth Vaders hit the discard pile and think "aha, I'd have to be really unlucky to lose my Gideon Hask to Darth Vader's ambush now, he's only got one Vader left" then you don't know if he's already holding Darth Vader, but your opponent does.
On average playing Vigilance will always hand a small information advantage to your opponent, although if you're a better player you may be more aware of how to leverage that information into an advantage on the table than your opponent can.